Sunday, 6 May 2012

Rain, rain, go away...

It feels like it has rained for forty days and forty nights. So much so that I had began to see sets of two of every garden critter..., two squirrels, two robins, two collard doves, two foxes... When finally it stopped, the sun came out, albeit briefly, we paddled and squelched our way around the woodland and newly made ponds.

A brief respite to the rain...

If it's still raining where you are and fancy reading some more stories then head over to Sian's Storytelling Sunday.


  1. the weather has been rather miserable hasn't it! Typical bank holiday weekend in the UK, I am getting bored of it now and really hope the sun comes out a bit more soon!

  2. We're lucky to have some sun shine here today. those photos are great x

  3. Look at all the gorgeous greens in your photos! That's what the rain does for you :) I do love that image of you and yours as Noah and Mrs Noah counting the animals two by two. Great story!

  4. A gorgeous set of photos! We feel as though we now have webbed feet ...

  5. Hi,
    We're enjoying one day of sun today here (in Bordeaux, France), but the rain is back tomorrow… Can't wait for the sun to be back FOR REAL! At least, we won't have any droughts this year…
    Have a nice Sunday,
    Cheers from France

  6. Rain, rain, rain - oh yeah floods are part of my life just lately. But today has been fairly dry and I've enjoyed a bit of sunshine.

  7. Miserable weather but we shouldn't expect better!great photos.

  8. I love how you've told this story :) yes we've had a little rest from rain this afternoon too

  9. The sun is shining today....hurrah...super shots, and love your new look blog, really unusual I am going to have a good hop around it :)
