Saturday, 2 April 2011


Favourite crafting essentials

  • A decent size mug
  • A pretty mug
  • Strong tea
  • Galaxy bubbles chocolate
  • My lucky cat waving at me.

What's your essentials?

Need some inspiration to add to the mix?  Then take a look  here over on the Chicken Soup blog.


  1. ...i have to have the radio one too or a dvd - one that i've seen before so it doesn't distract me too much ...tea and choc also lol!!

  2. I love that mug - tea and chocolate work for me too!

  3. A good cup of coffee normally accompanies my crafting. That and either silence or some loud music that I can sing along to (when there's no one around!)depends on my mood and how much I've got the concentrate :-) Are you off to Ally Pally next week?

  4. Mines, silence, a dog or two on or under my desk, chocolate (don't care who's it is) and my yankee candle alight in my votive I got off my friend.

  5. I am going to opt for a cuppa tea as well, I love your lucky cat!

  6. I like your lucky cat!

    I tend not to eat or drink near anything I'm making..too many accidents in the past! But I like to scrap on my own so I can concentrate and I might play some loud Morrissey to keep me comapny. That doesn't really make sense, does it, the need to concentrate but with loud music. Mmm

  7. oh I adore that mug :)

    I usually have a cup of tea or coffee with me, and normally chocolate - although it's Lent at the moment, so sadly ... no chocolate for me :( LOL.
