Monday, 23 February 2009

Cutie Pie

Hello blog world, yes I'm still here. My only excuse for not blogging is lack of good light for decent photo's, I have been crafting........honestly! So here's one of the projects I've been busy with. This cutie pie is of my son about 13 years ago, he just looks so cute! Now he has morphed into a typical teenager but still has that lovely smile. I don't have cause to use many pastel colours, especially pink on my scrapbook layouts but these Basic Grey (yes them again) really work with his baby blue jumper. I cut around the flowers and butterflies, layered the photo onto a contrasting colour then added some cutout embellishment insects from the same collection. To add depth i added some pearls from an old necklace and then raised some hand drawn clouds with his initials on foam pads. I'm Stickles mad at the moment so added a good measure of sparkle to finish it off. Really pleased with the finished page and what makes it so much more precious is that this used to hang on my dearest Nan's wall. So it reminds me of two special people in one go. That's whats great about scrapbooking, even if you don't journal the photo's can mean so much more than just a moment in time.